IX Cbonds Emerging Markets Bond Conference

March 29, 2022
  • Event ended

Media Accreditation Rules for Cbonds-Congress Conferences

  1. Accreditation is only granted to journalists representing mass media companies delegating their journalists to the Conference in order to gather information for topical news, publications and articles about the Conference, companies participating in the Conference, and topics discussed at the Conference.

    2.Accreditation is granted to journalists only, i.e. press correspondents, reporters, observers, press photographers and ENG crews. Other mass media representatives including heads of editorial offices, heads and employees of sales, marketing, advertising, PR departments, etc. can take part in the conference on a paying basis.

    3.An obligatory condition for getting accreditation is publishing materials (a post release, article, news flash, comment, video report, etc.) stating the event name and the organizer and providing the Conference Organizing Committee with links to these materials to the email pr@cbonds.info:
    3.1. If it is impossible to publish materials in line with this condition, among other things due to the editorial policy, the Conference Organizing Committee has a right to refuse accreditation. In this case this mass media representative has a right to participate in the conference on a paying basis. 
    3.2. In case of restricted access to the resource where information about the Conference is published, the Conference Organizing Committee needs to be provided with a print screen image of the published material.
    3.3. If the mass media company refuses to publish any materials about the Conference after it, the Conference Organizing Committee has a right to blacklist the mass media company and refuse further accreditation for other events.

    4. The Conference Organizing Committee has a right to decline accreditation without giving any reason.

    5. A mass media company’s editorial office willing to accredit a representative for the Conference has to fill out a registration form on the selected Conference webpage. Before confirming accreditation the Organizing Committee forwards these Rules to the registered mass media representative requesting to confirm their receipt and accept then by email.

    6. Accreditation is considered to be successful and a press representative is considered to be accredited for the Conference, if this journalist/ the mass media company’s editorial office has received a confirmation from the Conference Organizing Committee by email in response to accepting these Rules. 

    7. One mass media can have one representative accredited for the Conference. This quota can be increased on a case-by-case basis as decided by the Conference Organizing Committee.

    8. Media accreditation is not granted when the Conference is ongoing.

While registration please put in the «Notes» column "I accept accreditation rules"
